Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hello, Universities

Congratulate to all our classmates who successfully enter Universities. Hope You all will enjoy Universities lifestyle then. However, most of us will go to different Universities which located at different state with different courses. It's sad to say that we have to seperate for few months or years. To Tighten our relationship, Kindly edit this post by entering your University and Course that offer to you and your friends who are cannot authorise it. This step will get help to us when we need to get help from other's Universities or courses. For instance, if I need a lawyer, who may lend me a hand? etc. Thank You

Chan Siew Mei---UKM---Bachelor of Science (Statistics)
Go Wen Ze---UPM---Bachelor of Science (Forestry)
Kwan Soo Chen---UPM---Bachelor Sains (Kesihatan Persekitaran dan Pekerjaan)
Lam Toh Wai---UMT---Bachelor of Food Science (Food Service and Nutrition)
Liew Haw Jiun---UMP---Bachelor of Project Management (Hons)4 years
Lim Yuwei---UTM---Bachelor of Science (Industrial Biology)
Ng Chean Hui---UMS---Bachelor of Chemical Industry
Pee Weng Foo---UMT---Bachelor of Science Agrotechnology (Post-harvest Technology)
Sim Eik EE---UMT---Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

UPU result - 19 June

I planned to go to cheanhui house to get the UPU result together. Share our results together. Anyone interest to join? hoho..

Monday, June 15, 2009


学运将在 23/6/2009 早上 8 点半,在吉隆坡的隆雪华堂举办全国巡回大专入学讲座。有在籍大专生分享经验,有个大专交流,有兴趣出席吗?

Additional Info:




Saturday, June 6, 2009

Engage of Siew Yuan

Siew Yuan will having her engage on coming Saturday, 13 June 2009 at 天后宫.. Afterward, we will go to Chean Hui's House to have a BBQ party.. so is there any opinions etc. ?

Kindly edit this post if you have some additive information or details regarding these matter.. thank you!

Genting Trip

We planned to have a genting trip on 15 and 16 June (2D1N) before the result of UPU come out.. So, is anyone interest? please inform me as soon as possible.. thank you..